:py:mod:`taskqueue` =================== .. py:module:: taskqueue .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This library implements various methods for working with the Google Taskqueue APIs. Installation ------------ .. code-block:: console $ pip install --upgrade gcloud-aio-taskqueue Usage ----- We're still working on documentation -- for now, you can use the `smoke tests`_ as an example. Emulators --------- For testing purposes, you may want to use ``gcloud-aio-taskqueue`` along with a local emulator. Setting the ``$CLOUDTASKS_EMULATOR_HOST`` environment variable to the address of your emulator should be enough to do the trick. .. _smoke tests: https://github.com/talkiq/gcloud-aio/tree/master/taskqueue/tests/integration Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 queue/index.rst Package Contents ---------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: taskqueue.PushQueue Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: taskqueue.SCOPES taskqueue.__version__ .. py:class:: PushQueue(project, taskqueue, location = 'us-central1', service_file = None, session = None, token = None, api_root = None) .. py:attribute:: _api_root :type: str .. py:attribute:: _api_is_dev :type: bool .. py:attribute:: _queue_path :type: str .. py:method:: headers() :async: .. py:method:: task_name(task_id) .. py:method:: create(task, session = None, timeout = 10) :async: .. py:method:: delete(tname, session = None, timeout = 10) :async: .. py:method:: get(tname, full = False, session = None, timeout = 10) :async: .. py:method:: list(full = False, page_size = 1000, page_token = '', session = None, timeout = 10) :async: .. py:method:: run(tname, full = False, session = None, timeout = 10) :async: .. py:method:: close() :async: .. py:method:: __aenter__() :async: .. py:method:: __aexit__(*args) :async: .. py:data:: SCOPES :value: ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-tasks'] .. py:data:: __version__